Hey, design lovers! Have you ever wondered what things your interior designer won’t tell you? As a professional interior designer, I’m here to lift the curtain and share some insider secrets that most designers keep to themselves. Whether you’re starting on a home renovation or simply updating a room, these tips will help you navigate the process like a pro. Let’s dive into five things your interior designer won’t tell you—but I will!

 1. Your Personal Style Matters More Than Trends

five things your interior designer won't tell you traditional style guest bedroom by Diva by Design harlingen texas 78552

While it’s tempting to follow the latest trends plastered all over Instagram and design magazines, your personal style should always take precedence. Designers often know this but may not emphasize it enough. A good designer will blend trendy elements with your unique taste to create a timeless space that truly reflects who you are. Remember, your home should be a sanctuary that you love, not just a showcase of current fads.

2. The Power of Lighting Is Underrated

five things your interior designer won't tell you lighting by Diva by Design harlingen texas 78552

Lighting can make or break a room, yet it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. A homeowner will focus on the layout, furniture, and color schemes, but the right lighting can enhance all these elements and set the mood. Natural light is your best friend, so maximize it where you can. For evenings, a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting will create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

You can read more about how to find the right task lighting in our blog post HERE.

3. Mixing High and Low-End Pieces Is Key

five things your interior designer won't tell you mixing high and low by Diva by Design harlingen texas 78552

Not everything in your home needs to be a designer piece. A smart mix of high-end investments and more affordable finds can create a balanced, sophisticated look without breaking the bank. Your designer might not always highlight this strategy, but it’s a great way to manage your home décor investment while still achieving a luxurious feel. Splurge on key items like your sofa or dining table and save on accessories and décor.

4. Repurposing and Upcycling Can Add Character

five things your interior designer won't tell you  by Diva by Design harlingen vintage bubble glass texas 78552

Designers love sourcing new pieces, but repurposing and upcycling existing furniture can add unique character to your home. This sustainable approach not only saves money but also creates one-of-a-kind pieces that tell a story. An old dresser can become a chic vanity, or vintage doors can be transformed into a stunning headboard. Don’t be afraid to get creative and breathe new life into old items.

5. You Don’t Need to Overfill Your Space

contemporary beach condo by Diva by Design south padre island texas 78552

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you need to fill every inch of your home with furniture and décor. However, less is often more. Leaving some empty space allows your home to breathe and highlights the pieces you do have. Your designer might not tell you this because they want to showcase their work, but a more minimalist approach can often lead to a more harmonious and visually pleasing environment.


So, now you know the top five things your interior designer won’t tell you. Armed with these insider secrets, you’re now ready to tackle your next design project with confidence. Remember, your home reflects you, and it should be a place where you feel comfortable and happy. If you need professional guidance, Diva by Design is here to help you create a space that’s not only beautiful but also uniquely yours. Let’s transform your home into a sanctuary together!

Ready to elevate your surroundings? Contact Diva by Design today and let’s get started on your dream home!

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask questions in the comments below. Follow us on social media for more tips and inspiration!

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