The Diva’s Home

Essential Tips for a Sustainable Home Makeover

Are you excited by the thought of refreshing your home? You’ve got a taste for the finer things and a vision of your space that reflects your style and taste. There’s one problem: your furniture feels outdated, and the thought of buying brand new doesn’t fit your...

Are you Making These Common Home Design Mistakes?

Are you making one of these common home design mistakes? If you've ever walked into a room and felt something was off but couldn’t quite put your finger on it, you're not alone! Many homeowners fall into the same traps when designing their spaces. Don't worry – I’m...

Five Things Your Interior Designer Won’t Tell You

Hey, design lovers! Have you ever wondered what things your interior designer won't tell you? As a professional interior designer, I’m here to lift the curtain and share some insider secrets that most designers keep to themselves. Whether you're starting on a home...

Four Popular Architectural Elements

Hey interior design lovers! Luxury interior design isn't necessarily about flaunting wealth. I believe it’s about crafting spaces that are sophisticated, refined, and timeless. And guess what? For that reason, while interior design plays a big part, the real magic...

Our Top 10 Luxury Interior Design Trends for 2024

Are you remodeling and want to update? Would you like to elevate your living space with the latest luxury interior design trends for 2024? You thought about selling your home to build new. Yet you realized that it makes more financial sense to work with what you have....

Bringing Nature Indoors Creates Happy Peaceful Spaces

Are you a small business owner seeking a tranquil sanctuary amid the busyness of your professional life? Do you yearn to reduce stress and anxiety while enhancing your well-being at work and home? You're not alone. As a small business owner myself, I understand the...

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